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Founded in India in 1999, Sharp Food Waste Disposer is today one of the world's leading waste management companies with operations in more than 10 countries. Thanks to our innovative design, tailored products, power-packed team, customer-focused approach, and environmental concern.

House of Innovation

The world is ever-changing, and innovation plays a crucial role at Sharp Food Waste Disposer. With input from the market, we conduct our research and development, striking a balance between production, technology, and environmental impact. Having our factory, overseeing the production phase, and working closely with designers & suppliers empowers us to compete effectively.

crusher - House of innovation
Tailored products

Tailored Products

Sharp Food Waste Disposer tailors solutions according to the customer’s needs while maintaining the same high quality as a standard product. Due to our full oversight of the production phase, we can prevent production from detracting from other operations. And we take immense care, from helping you pick a product that suits your needs to installation to receiving that good smile.

Pick the right waste disposal unit for your kitchen.

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